Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Fun

We have had lots of Easter fun the past few days. It started with Mary B's Kindegarten egg hunt at the park. Gray was with Mimi at Charlotte's 4th birthdayparty/egg hunt having a ball with her BEST friend/cousin.

Next was the Egg hunt at the Terrace with great-grand Gene Gene. They always have lots of fun treats, and even though it all got moved inside due to the tornado warnings we still had fun!

This was one of the snacks that the residents themselves made, Gene Gene was proud but claimed it was "quiet a mess"....we loved them and they were tasty too!

After the storms were over and it was safe to go back home we decided to dye eggs. So they grabbed their aprons and we got started! Notice Gray's boots...they have been a very important part of her wardrobe for the last 2 WEEKS...they were even worn to the ball park Saturday...I choose my battles!

Easter is one of my favorite holidays, and obviously my girls too.....they were up at the early hour of 5:30...and since we were going to late service with both great grandmothers, mimi, and Gandy we had a little photo time at home and church before the service.

After a wonderful Easter service (It has to be my favorite so far....) we all headed to Mimi's for a yummy lunch and egg hunt.

Here Mary B. posed on mom and dad's bed below the portrait of us in the dress she wore today...she was so excited about it, and so was I. Special dress for an extra special day.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A week's worth of Springtime fun

Yes last week was another one of those VERY busy started with another big milestone, Mary B. learned to rider her bike with NO training wheels. She got a big girl bike for Christmas, but it is still a little TOO I took advice from a friend and took the training wheels off her little bike and away she went....YAY Mary Bradford!

Gray enjoyed the sunshine and had lots of swing time while sissy rode and rode and rode...

Then later in the week we had a special visit from Nana and Pop...they got to enjoy the sunshine with us and then we were all off to see Mary B. in her Spring program at church.

**this one makes me want one of those SUPER DUPER digital cameras, hint, hint....maybe one day***

And last but certainly NOT least....T-BALL has begun!! Brad is helping coach MB's team SC Gamecocks and she is absolutley LOVING IT!! Saturday was opening season day which started off with a fun parade (since Brad was in it I tried operating both the video and still camera so got no shots of the parade?!?) however, here are Gray and her Best Buddy Mary Reese anxiously waiting on the parade.

My first basegirl....she takes it SERIOUS!! Not sure how I missed daddy, but lots more pics to come!